Who we are

Metro IAF  is neither a gun-control group nor a gun-rights group. Guns, per se, aren’t our mission.

We are a diverse network of citizens’ groups rooted in religious congregations in 10 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.  Our mission is social change that strengthens local communities.

Metro IAF groups have a long track record of doing the “impossible.”

Go ahead, tell us it’s impossible. We’ll work that much harder to get it done.

We’ve rebuilt urban communities that had been written off for dead.  We’ve helped bring crime under control in neighborhoods that had lost it.  We’ve won health care for the uninsured, living wages for the working poor, and after-school programs for the kids who need them most.

And now we want to hold gun manufacturers accountable. Impossible?

We know that it’s not impossible to significantly reduce gun violence in America.  But it IS impossible to do it without the active involvement of the manufacturers of guns – without change in the gun industry

Metro IAF’s method with all campaigns is simple:  On any given issue, identify the players with the most power to make a difference; work creatively, persistently, and flexibly to get them to respond; and avoid being distracted by everything else.

 On the issue of gun violence, the owners and investors of the world’s gun manufacturers have that power.  Metro IAF launched the Do Not Stand Idly By campaign to encourage them to use it to protect the lives of people across America.